Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Yoga gone wrong....

Should I just cancel my other sessions and stick to yoga? Naaaaa....my overly smart husband would start to sniff and woe betides me if he ever finds out, he’ll probably strangle me and have his father’s boys dump my body somewhere far away from civilisation.
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Gbadebo and I have been married for nine years, it was my dream to be his Mrs. but never did I know I’ll one day think of opting out. I can’t work, can’t go out without my aids, can’t use a public gym, must wear only designer labels, no privacy as all my social media accounts are subjected to constant checks by the head of security and my husband- even Whatsapp!

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Marrying into a rich and powerful family sure has more negatives than positives. The world only admires the material things and prestige they presume you enjoy, they have no clue about the pain, neglect and fear you are constantly subjected to.
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My father-in-law is a very wealthy man, his name opens almost all doors beyond the shores of this country, his net worth would take Africa away from penury forever. Interestingly, he’s not a politician, has never been one and to the best of my knowledge he’s not aspiring to be one but every politician who aspires to be great calls him ‘The god father’.

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I have made up my mind to relieve my boredom with my yoga instructor John, infact I opened a secret email where all our chats flow through, he’s the sweetest being on earth and he makes my heart leap for joy, I can’t wait to explore my sexual fantasies with him but the security at my house would not let me be great and hey! you’re not allowed to judge me cos you commit a different sin than I do. Remove the log in your eyes first, while I map out a plan.

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YASSSS!!!! My husband fell for it, called him up to explain that my friends, Tosin and Dolly P planned a getaway, he allowed me to attend and even offered to pay for our girls trip after all he won’t be back from his trip till much later in the month. I called my crazy Dolly P whose expensive lifestyle is furnished by her baby daddy and intimated her of my plans. She almost had a seizure.

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The plan was pretty simple, I was going to stage a rape incident, John and his friend would come into my room, John would have me and his friend would have Dolly P, so my husband doesn’t suspect anything, Tosin on the other hand is going through a tough time in her marriage, she’s been officially tagged barren as her husband mistress just bore him a child. So I’m sure she’ll just remain in her room and monitor sales in her shop, while myself and the crazy Dolly P gossip and tour away.

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John walked and his friend walked into my room, while Tosin was pouring out her heart to me, I was trying to signal John to stop his friend from having Tosin, it did not occur to me to send him Dolly P’s picture, now I’m going to have to live with this guilt for the rest of my life.The sharpest pain I have ever felt engulfed my body, I screamed like I was about to be butchered, John and his friend fled the scene but not before finishing the act. I couldn’t move, I laid there lifeless, for a second I thought that was the end. I rolled over to the other side of my bed, Tosin was slowly dragging herself to help me up, Dolly P walked in and hurriedly rushes to help me up, They both suddenly paused and stared at the bed sheet with shock written all over their faces.

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I turned to see what could be so strange, did John leave his ID card or drop a flower? Alas! it dawned on me that I had omitted the most important thing in executing my silly plan... how do I explain to my friends that I had just 
lost my virginity even though I had been married for nine years and have two children who call me mummy?

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All Images: from Google
Instagram handle : @temielsie


  1. I'm so looking forward to the second part of this story.

    Post it ASAP, Elsie 😭😭😭😭

    1. Awwww, thanks Hun.....second part coming soon, thank you for reading.

  2. Women and pranks! Hmmm! Tosin's life just got complicated. Let d concluding part roll in ASAP Lol.

    1. loooool, Men and lies.............. thanks for reading

  3. Elsieeee, its been a Kong time coming oo. Final part asap. Good job too

    1. Sweetie, thanks, it will roll sooooooooooooooooooon

  4. This is a wawu something! We await the other part of the story...

    1. I like to 'wawu' people a lot...... drops soon, stay tuned, thanks for reading

  5. Ok... didn't see that coming!!! Nice and don't be gone for too long.

  6. Lool, i'll try..... thank you sir...

  7. Please finish up the story abeg I can't wait

  8. I will.......thanks for reading



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